If you could wave a magic wand, what would Dakota County Parks, Greenways, and Natural Areas look like in 2050?

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18 September, 2024

Msund says:

I would like to see walking / snow shoe paths alongside the horse/cross country ski paths on the northeast part of the park

17 September, 2024

Jessica Nelson says:

More funding and staffing for invasive removal and habitat restoration

17 September, 2024

Jessica Nelson says:

More nature play areas! Similar to the play area at Tamarack nature center. Spaces that blend into the natural landscape

14 September, 2024

Hiker Dave says:

Preserve the natural sense of trail hiking in Lebanon Hills Park. Specifically avoid adding paved trails.

14 September, 2024

JimmyMac says:

Would love a disc golf course somewhere in Dakota parks. Could also use it for skate ski cross country skiing

12 September, 2024

mntwin says:

Want an place where ANYONE can go for a hike and feel safe. if trail needs to be flat, do the outside of park, not thru the park.

10 September, 2024

futureparksforkids says:

It would look like Carver Park, or Lake Rebecca but be way cooler cause Leb is the GOAT.(we need to realign and add multipurpose connectors)

9 September, 2024

Dave says:

Demonstration gardens with ecological landscaping using native perennials & pollinator friendly plants to give people ideas for their yards

9 September, 2024

Dave says:

More visible & innovative green infrastructure: collect & use rainwater, rain gardens, bioswales, natural filtration & retention on-site

9 September, 2024

JP says:

Demonstrate environmental leadership: renewable energy, netzero buildings/facilities, native plantings, minimize use of pesticides

9 September, 2024

JP says:

Better bike & pedestrian & bus connectivity between neighborhoods & parks.

7 September, 2024

Mary says:

save native plants and animals. abundant planting of native flowers, trees. indoor nature walking trail with no sports (Thompson Park)

6 September, 2024

Winter Enthusiast says:

More diverse cross country ski trails. Skate ski trails (not the really hard hilly ones at the MTB park). A lit ski trail and snow making!

6 September, 2024

DeAnn says:

Indoor walking trail with trees, dirt paths and yoga area to get a break from the cold, ice and rain. Solar powered and rainwater collection

5 September, 2024

bob says:

More dedicated bike paths connecting neighborhoods and parks. More parks, more mountain biking parks that aren't just Lebanon Hills

5 September, 2024

HLB says:

Our family would love to see an outdoor skate park like Rosemount has and or a bike skills park similar to Taft bike park in Richfield.

5 September, 2024

Gina says:

Connected bike trails throughout Dakota County

5 September, 2024

Gina says:

Bike trails connecting all residential neighborhoods in Dakota County to Dakota County regional parks

5 September, 2024

Lucas says:

More mountain biking/bike trails

5 September, 2024

KatrinaCares4OurTown says:

Path to FHS./ Clear river down in farmington. The old "lab" building by the bridge made into a park area-where you can rent kayaks, etc-

4 September, 2024

Nancy says:

Emphasis on planting trees & native plants that are adaptable to climate change More programs that are tailored for older adults

4 September, 2024

Sarah says:

Horse riding trails

4 September, 2024

Danielle says:

-dedicated pickleball courts -bike & walking trails connecting multiple cities -community pool in Burnsville -outdoor fitness equipment

4 September, 2024

May Pena says:

Plant more fruit trees and native trees/plants.

4 September, 2024

PJM says:

Stronger signs of stewardship w/ a more thorough elimination of invasive and interpretive signage to help public understand work.

4 September, 2024

Eddie says:

Why do you ask people to take the survey, then you won't accept it?

4 September, 2024

Kenny says:

More programming and amenities that bring people of all backgrounds. More support and participation means more appreciation of nature!

4 September, 2024

Michael says:

Adult Calisthenics Park equipped with various height pull-up bars & dip bars. A running track with mile markers, and water station.

4 September, 2024

Karen says:

A CONTINOUS dedicated bike trial connecting Burnsville to other cities, especially to Lakeville, Apple Valley, and Savage.

1 September, 2024

wmspin says:

•Easy access from multiple points •Preservation of native grasses, flowers, trees and spaces •Frequently used by all demographics

29 August, 2024

Patty says:

Natural space with a lot of activities for everyone, including diverse communities.

21 August, 2024

Sunny says:

the Magic Wand would get rid of buckthorn and all invasive plants!

14 August, 2024

Jeff Wilcziek says:

Preserve more historic landmarks in the form of parks and trails.

9 August, 2024

Lucy says:

We need a community pool

9 August, 2024

Blissmeister says:

I’d love to see bird banding, guided birdwatching hikes, and an annual bird count done at at least a few of these areas