Welcome & Plan Overview
Get an orientation to the online open house.
The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization is updating the Regional Transportation Plan for the Eugene, Springfield, and Coburg urban area. This is a plan for everyone who travels within and through Central Lane County—whether you drive, walk, bike, or take the bus.
Welcome to the online open house! Scroll down and tap the dropdown arrows next to each heading to view.
This virtual open house takes you through the following stations to ask for your
feedback on the region’s transportation priorities and how limited transportation funding is spent. Participate for your chance to win a $50 gift card!*
*Note: Gift cards are available for local pickup or shipping only.
What is the purpose of the plan?
- Establish the region's transportation priorities through 2049
- Help us prepare for population growth
- Guide investments in roads, transit, bike paths, and sidewalks
- Ensure that the area continues to benefit from federal transportation funding.
Your Input Will Help:
- Identify transportation challenges
- Set priorities for future projects
- Make travel better for everyone
What area does this Plan cover?
The Regional Transportation Plan covers Central Lane County, including the cities of Eugene, Springfield, and Coburg and some surrounding areas in Lane County. Click on the map to see it larger.
Quick Poll
Thank you for participating in the online open house today! Where else would you be most likely to provide feedback on the Regional Transportation Plan when we’re seeking feedback in the future?
We're committed to making it easy for everyone to participate.
¿Necesita esto en español o necesita otro tipo de ayuda? Póngase en contacto con nosotros.
Can't Get Online? No Problem!
Contact us directly for a list of community events and more options for providing feedback: Email |
Activity 1: Needs and Priorities - What is important to you?
Complete a survey to help us understand your transportation needs and priorities.
Take the survey
This survey will help us understand your transportation needs and priorities as we update our region's transportation plan. Your responses are anonymous and should take about 7 minutes to complete. People who participate in the survey will have the option to enter to win a $50 gift card (available for local pickup or shipping only).
Activity 2: Build a Budget - How would you spend transportation dollars?
Explore transportation priorities by deciding how much money to spend on different transportation needs.
How it works
- Click each category to learn what types of projects it includes
- Move the slider bars to distribute your $100 budget
- Put more money toward the projects you think should be our top priorities
Activity 3: Map it - Where would you like to see transportation improvements?
Identify locations with transportation concerns, issues, or ideas for improvement using our comment map.
Map it
How it works
Central Lane MPO staff will share this information with our regional partners who manage the transportation infrastructure and use it to help understand where concerns and issues are as well as areas that are working well.
1. Click the "Add Marker" button (bottom right corner of the map)
2. Click anywhere on the map to place your marker
3. Select a category for your comment
4. Share your thoughts and add your screen name
5. Submit!
Want to see what others think? Click any marker on the map to read comments and vote thumbs up.
Activity 4: Transportation Goals - What goals should guide investment decisions?
Explore regional transportation goals that guide investment decisions and tell us your vision for the future.
The regional transportation goals guide regional decisions in transportation investments and every project that is included in the plan must be consistent with these goals.
- Transportation Choices: Providing affordable, healthy options to get around
- Safety & Resilience: Creating a transportation system that's safe and can handle emergencies
- Healthy People & Environment: Supporting active living and protecting our natural resources
- Equity: Ensuring everyone has fair access to transportation
- Economic Vitality: Keeping our region prosperous by connecting people to jobs and businesses
- Reliability: Making sure you can get where you need to go on time
- System Preservation: Taking care of our existing roads, bridges, and transit systems
Virtual Sticky Note Activity
How it works:
- Tell us your idea on a sticky note
- Your idea will be displayed below for others to see
- Look at how others in your community responded
- If you have more ideas, add more sticky notes
Imagine it’s the year 2049: What would the perfect transportation system look like to you?
Some thought starters: How would you get around? What would your daily journey feel like? What would make you smile about traveling? How would your children or grandchildren move through the community? Think big – no idea is too bold! (max 140 characters).
13 February, 2025
Allen Outland says:
No cars. Yes Bikes, Buses and better and safer pedestrian paths.
10 February, 2025
Sydney says:
Our rivers and wetlands are restored so they can collect water and reduce flooding of transportation infrastructure
10 February, 2025
Sydney says:
Runoff from our roads is treated by natural areas before it enters our streams and rivers so native fish populations can thrive.
6 February, 2025
Emma says:
Not having to navigate major road crossing while commuting across town on a bike. Bike paths that wider to better share space and stay safe
4 February, 2025
Rob says:
Everyone regardless of age or ability has safe, practical, and comfortable ways to get around.
3 February, 2025
Bri says:
20mph speed limit in city, reduce lanes, add calming, remove parking lots, increase housing downtown, more bike paths, more frequent buses
31 January, 2025
Rachel says:
It would be easy to live and work in the MPO boundary and not own a car. Most trips would be taken via transit, walking, bike, carshare.
29 January, 2025
Julie says:
There would be earthquake resilient bridges connecting River Road/Santa Clara area with NE Eugene over the Willamette including bike/peds.
29 January, 2025
JCPenney says:
Autonomous robo shuttles take people to transit hubs, more walking and biking, cars mostly electric, but less need to drive, less traffic
28 January, 2025
healthyfuture says:
All cars have been phased out from our metro area. Walking is the primary form of transport, followed by biking, and mass transit.
27 January, 2025
Dan says:
Our road networks prioritize the very young and very old. Walking is prioritized, then busses, then biking, and only then is driving priorit
27 January, 2025
Edward G says:
More small buses/vans in neighborhoods, connecting to current bus routes
Wrap-Up & Project Resources
Tell us any final thoughts and review additional project documents to learn more about the Regional Transportation Plan.
Interested in learning more about the project? Explore the resources below!
View the current adopted Regional Transportation Plan
View the Central Lane Regional Transportation Plan Update Website
Want to stay informed? Enter your email address at the bottom of the page.