Provide Your Input

The city of Minneapolis intends to add street improvements that create a neighborhood greenway from 44th Ave N to 4th Ave N on Humboldt Ave N and Irving Ave N. This project originated as a community-led initiative and is called the Northside Greenway.

Community engagement for phase 1 of the Northside Greenway Project is complete. The community survey and interactive map have been closed. Please check back for a summary of the results.

Additional opportunities for community engagement will be available in Spring 2025.

Project Highlights

  • Northside Greenway is a proposed four-mile neighborhood greenway along Humboldt Ave N and Irving Ave N in North Minneapolis.
  • Started initially as a community-generated idea with City and community organization engagement happening since 2011 with demonstration projects, surveys, and other activities.
  • Identified as a low-stress bikeway on the City’s All Ages & Abilities (AAA) network.
  • The Northside Greenway will connect or be near to several public schools, parks and trails, and transit lines.

Project Location

Project Map

Upcoming Events

Additional events will be scheduled in Spring 2025.

Stay informed about future engagement opportunities by signing up for email updates.

Contact us

Peter Bennett, Transportation Planner - Public Works | 612-673-2460 |

Allison Bell, PE, Professional Engineer - Public Works | 612-673-2453 |

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